Malaysia WPC fluted Wall Panel exporters, 3D Wooden Wood Plastic exporters

Malaysia WPC fluted Wall Panel exporters, 3D Wooden Wood Plastic exporters,Malaysia WPC fluted Wall Panel exporters, 3D Wooden Wood Plastic exporters

Reason four: environmental protection, heat preservation, no formaldehyde
Bamboo wood fiber integrated wallboard installation does not need paint coating, installed in the morning afternoon, environmental health. And the insulation effect of the integrated wall is equivalent to that of a wall. Bamboo wood fiber integrated wallboard without formaldehyde and other toxic gases, very suitable for pregnant women and children.

It can be seen that the design and installation of bamboo and wood fiber integrated wallboard solves the disadvantages of traditional wall decoration to a large extent. The professionally designed integrated wallboard is more in line with the decoration style and preferences of modern people, which is also one of the reasons for its popularity.

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