Kuala Lumpur The Great Wall board manufacturers, Thailand wpc wall panel supplier factory affordable

Kuala Lumpur The Great Wall board manufacturers, Thailand wpc wall panel supplier factory affordable,Kuala Lumpur The Great Wall board manufacturers, Thailand wpc wall panel supplier factory affordable

In this case, the ecological wood ceiling deformation is the most. Two, ecological wood ceiling keel link too few. Generally, ecological wood ceiling keel is not directly fixed to the roof, but is connected to the roof by steel wire. Due to too few connection points, it will lead to uneven force on the keel after the installation of ecological wood ceiling, which will lead to partial fall in the case of large gap between the points of impact.

Three, ecological wood ceiling products are not qualified. At present, there are many ecological wood manufacturers, many are home-based, belong to the three no products, products without any guarantee; Although the price has certain advantages, but easy to go wrong, but not high cost performance. The deformation caused by product quality is basically due to the price-oriented selection of products in the early stage.

This is an irrational way to shop. Four, ecological wood ceiling in a bad environment. In some special environments, such as the sharp change in temperature, and the installation is not reserved enough expansion and diastolic gap, resulting in the state of expansion, insufficient expansion, often appear in the middle of the bulging problem. This kind of deformation generally rarely occurs, because its expansion deformation rate is not very large.

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