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Now ecological wood has been everywhere, such as the door, the hotel wall or the floor wall at home and so on. With the increase of time, people pay more and more attention to its maintenance, but how to maintain this ecological wood? Said this maintenance needs to understand that, because of its use of different environments, so this maintenance method is also different.

1, for outdoor plate maintenance: 1, due to sunlight, wind and insolation, its surface is exposed to the harsh environment, can be used to brush the surface varnish, so that the surface is smooth and bright, in addition to isolation and direct contact with the harsh environment. Extend service life. 2, regular cleaning, relatively simple, with water flushed to the surface dust can be.

3, its construction should pay attention to increase the density of the fixed keel, increase the firmness, just in case. Two, used for outdoor plate maintenance: 1, the best corner to design Angle protection line, not only adds to the overall beauty, but also makes the fragile foot to be protected. 2, control the temperature of its use environment, generally its use requirements should not be higher than 70 degrees, in the radiator and other easy high temperature place, to do some cooling treatment.

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