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And MANUFACTURERS OF SOME UNDESIRABLE ECOLOGICAL WOOD CUT CORNERS, DO NOT HAVE STRICT QUALITY detection STANDARD EVEN, IT IS impossible to achieve B1 level. The above is Xiaobian to share, I hope to bring you help, in the future when you buy ecological wood, you can refer to it, so as to further determine whether the fire rating of ecological wood meets the relevant standards.

There are many design principles of ecological wood wallboard, but in the design of living room ecological wood wallboard should be designed according to the direction of the living room. Because the living room is a place with the most activities in the home, and the design of the living room wallboard in different directions is also different, so in order to coordinate and comfort, the direction of the living room should be considered in the design.

  1. The living room facing east is basked in from early to late, and the sunlight is the earliest to leave the room, so the need for light-colored ecological wood wallboard is the best match. Want THE incisively AND VIVIDLY THAT THE sitting ROOM THEME color INTERPRETS, THE EXPRESSION OBTAINS ELABORATE DESIGN, LOOK FOR WHAT PHOTOGRAPH COLLOCATION WITH ECOLOGICAL wood WALLboard is ACTED THE ROLE OF ARTICLE NEXT, MAINTAIN THE MAIN TONAL photograph BETWEEN furniture and WALLboard is unified rise, form a harmonious whole, give a PERSON the feeling that A PERSONALITY IS independent.

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