Chinese 3D Wooden Wood Plastic wpc wall panel installation producers

Chinese 3D Wooden Wood Plastic wpc wall panel installation producers,Chinese 3D Wooden Wood Plastic wpc wall panel installation producers,Chinese 3D Wooden Wood Plastic wpc wall panel installation producers

From the perspective of product technology and installation and application, products with high quality are mainly based on three aspects of physical properties: firstly, flexibility. Physically called “interference”, popular explanation is that the length specification in the general industry is 2.8m—-4m, the longer the length, the easier to achieve flexibility test, the two sections of the plate after the plane bending can be regarded as the flexibility of the standard.

So why is toughness required? First; Conducive to the wall is slightly not usually close to the wall, second; Good for transportation, especially upstairs; Third; To achieve the ideal product strength, not easy to break; Fourth; Conducive to the realization of arc molding technology. Second, hardness. The hardness of materials is mainly manifested in three different hardness: 1, scratch hardness.

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