China 160 wood-plastic grille panel wpc wall panel installation producers

China 160 wood-plastic grille panel wpc wall panel installation producers,China 160 wood-plastic grille panel wpc wall panel installation producers,China 160 wood-plastic grille panel wpc wall panel installation producersD Wooden Wood Plastic , 106 flat plate, 195 Great Wall board ,202 Great Wall board , 168 Great Wall board ,168Fluted Wall Panels, 195*12 3D Wooden Wood Plastic, Wood plastic wall panels ,150 wood-plastic wallboard ,160 wood-plastic grille panel,WPC Wall Panel For Indoor,WPC fluted Wall Panel ,WPC Wall Cladding,Fluted Wall Panels

There may be a very worrying phenomenon on our walls, that is the walls grow mold. This is mainly caused by damp on the walls. The use of bamboo and wood fiber integrated wallboard, considering the moisture-proof function is very necessary. Moisture proof and environmental protection, high quality and excellent price to attract a lot of people who pursue a modern lifestyle.

Thirdly, fire performance is also a problem that cannot be ignored in the process of purchasing bamboo and wood fiber integrated wallboard. In public places and home decoration, safety is of Paramount importance, and fire is one of the most common threats in our lives. To improve the fire performance of our bamboo and wood fiber integrated wallboard is to improve the safety performance of our life.

Bamboo and wood fiber integrated wallboard has flame retardant performance, in the design of strict consideration of flame retardant effect, to ensure the safety of life and property to do a good job of the first barrier. Fourth, bamboo-wood fiber integrated wallboard heat insulation and sound insulation efficiency is more and more attention.

The density of the board affects the thermal insulation and sound insulation effect of bamboo and wood fiber integrated wallboard. Ordinary integrated wallboard does not have this function, and a layer of sound insulation cotton should be added if necessary. The new board can prevent heat exchange and heat transfer, so as to improve the energy efficiency of heating houses.

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