China 195*12 3D Wooden Wood Plastic wpc wall panel supplier producers lowest price

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Integrated wallboard is an integrated solution for the whole house decoration aimed at the drawbacks of home decoration pollution and cumbersome processes. Bamboo and wood fiber integrated wallboard belongs to one of them. Now integrated wallboard industry to do bamboo fiber is not a few. Bamboo and wood fiber integrated wallboard brands are numerous, but the quality is uneven. How to distinguish the quality of bamboo and wood fiber integrated wallboard is the problem we will discuss today.

First of all, let’s talk about what are the common problems of inferior integrated wallboard — easy to change color over a long time, high shrinkage ratio, thermal expansion and cold contraction, splicing gaps become larger, fragile and easy to break and so on. The source of these problems is actually the product substrate. First of all, we need to have a clear concept, the real bamboo and wood fiber integrated wallboard raw materials should include bamboo powder, wood powder, calcium powder,

new PVC material, and in accordance with a certain proportion of the deployment of polymer interface chemistry principle and plastic filling modification characteristics.

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