Chinese 195*12 3D Wooden Wood Plastic Wood plastic gusset plate affordable

Chinese 195*12 3D Wooden Wood Plastic Wood plastic gusset plate affordable,Chinese 195*12 3D Wooden Wood Plastic Wood plastic gusset plate affordable

When the initial preparation of the wall is completed, the wall is positioned with ink lines, the boards are arranged according to the interface and fixed with bolt, the base of the wooden structure is fixed with code nails, the cement steel row nails are used for low hardness cement walls, and the expansion bolts are used for high hardness cement walls. After the ceiling measurement is completed, the ceiling elevation horizontal line is set, and then the installation of keel and auxiliary keel is completed. After the pipeline is laid, the molding panel is installed, and the installation of integrated wallboard can begin after the setting line of the ceiling.

When installing the lines, use nail free glue and nail to fix the back of the lines to do hair pulling treatment, and remove ash debris to increase the adhesion surface of the glue. The installation of the shadow corner line is similar to that of the ordinary line, but if the surface texture of the line is simple and it is difficult to cover the nail marks, the quick drying nail free glue is used to fix it, so as to ensure the beauty of the shadow corner line. Yang Angle is used to cover up the gap.3D Wooden Wood Plastic , 106 flat plate, 195 Great Wall board ,202 Great Wall board , 168 Great Wall board ,168Fluted Wall Panels, 195*12 3D Wooden Wood Plastic, Wood plastic wall panels ,150 wood-plastic wallboard ,160 wood-plastic grille panel,WPC Wall Panel For Indoor

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