106 flat panel is the best quality manufacturer in China

106 flat panel is the best quality manufacturer in China,106 flat panel is the best quality manufacturer in China,106 flat panel is the best quality manufacturer in China

Many places are using ecological wood inside and outside wall panels to do decoration, so what are the differences between internal and external wall panels of ecological wood? 1, the density is not the same: compared with the use of outdoor wallboard and indoor wallboard, the density of outdoor material is much larger, the foam is small, and the mechanical strength is high.

2, the board formula is different: the most important component of ecological wood is the combination of polymer material resin and wood powder, so the outdoor profile quality needs to increase a lot of anti-ultraviolet absorbent, and the combination of ultraviolet shielding agent compound formula, can make the outdoor wall board life is up to 30 years long.106 flat panel is the best quality manufacturer in China

3, the way of installation is different: the indoor temperature change is small, the size of the material change will be small, so the installation is relatively easy. But outdoor materials to achieve beautiful and clean, plus the effect of long life, then the wall panel installation should also be very strict. 4. The thickness of the wallboard is different: the outdoor wallboard is relatively much thicker than the indoor wallboard, because the outdoor wallboard is weathered all year round and eroded by wind and rain.106 flat panel is the best quality manufacturer in China

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