Is the WPC wallboard waterproof? How about the quality of the Great Wall board

Is the WPC wallboard waterproof? How about the quality of the Great Wall board,Is the WPC wallboard waterproof? How about the quality of the Great Wall board,Is the WPC wallboard waterproof? How about the quality of the Great Wall board

Ecological wood is not only to ensure the outdoor stability of products almost ceramic tiles, but also to make the content of wood powder up to 70%, almost perfect reproduction of the natural texture of wood, is the world’s leading technology plastic wood products. What is ecological wood grille. Presumably A LOT OF PEOPLE DO NOT UNDERSTAND, ACTUALLY THIS IS A KIND OF ECOLOGICAL WOOD PRODUCT, IT IS THE HOLLOW SQUARE THAT BECOMES LUMPY ECOLOGICAL SQUARE WOOD COMBINATION, IT IS A KIND OF MORE COMMONLY USED MATERIAL IN DECORATING NOW.

And its square specification size, according to the actual situation is different, also is different. Now the main specifications are such several: 1, 100×50mm, 75×50mm, etc., this kind of ecological wood grille specifications of products are mainly to do glass wall ornament, small office partition, etc. Three,

150×50mm square wood, in addition, there will be 100×128mm and other types of applications, this type of can be used as the partition between the living room and the dining room, the office scale is slightly larger partition,

because the specification is small, can be matched with other materials, or the material itself design and application, make the effect of the wall.

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